Freitag, 17. Mai 2013

Wedding Hairstyles 2013 / Brautfrisuren 2013

Hello, guys. Last Friday I've attended my friend Anna's Wedding Ceremony. She really has a great and dream weeding.
From childhood Anna has dreamed that one day she could wear awesome wedding dress, and hold her wedding ceremony in a wonderland. And all of this has came true in this lovely May. LOL
I love her wedding hairstyles very much, bridal hairstyles and bridesmaid hairstyles are also excellent.

Hallo, liebechen.
Letzte Wochenende habe ich an Annna's Hochzeit teilgenohmen. Sie ist wirklich die schönste Braut in der Welt. Anna hat von ihrer Kindheit eine wunderschöne Hochzeit getraumt. Sie möchte ein supper Brautkleid tragen, und wunderbare Brautfrisuren haben. Jetzt hat ihrer Traume realisiert. Ihre Brautfrisuren sind die schönste in der Welt.

After I attended Anna's Wedding, I am now so so so crazy about wedding hairstyles and bridal hairstyles. I think it's the most beautiful hairstyles in the world and is the most important hairstyles in a woman's lifetime. Show you some pictures about wedding hairstyles 2013.
Nach Anna's Hochzeit passioniert ich ganz Brautfrisuren und Hochzeitsfrisuren. Ich meine, diese Frisuren sind die schönste in der Welt und im Leben einer Frau.
Einige Bilder über Hochzeitsfrisuren 2013 und Brautfrisuren für Dich. LOL

These two are updo hairstyles and braided hairstyles. That makes a bride more gentle and elegant. Long hairstyles are more pretty than short hairstyles in my opinion.
Diese zwei Bilder zeigen us Hochsteckfrisuren. Sehr schön. Nach meine Meinung sind Langhaarfrisuren eleganter als Kurzhaarfrisuren und Frisuren mittellang.

Braided hairstyles and dutt Frisuren.

Wedding hairstyles with flowers.
Brautfrisuren mit Blumen.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you for visiting and following my blog

    your post is very interesting and nice, completeness photo and this picture is very beautiful and amazing
    thanks for sharing
    greetings successful

  2. Thank you for visiting and following my blog

    your post is very interesting and nice, completeness photo and this picture is very beautiful and amazing
    thanks for sharing
    greetings successful

  3. Very beautiful wedding inspirations, and the hairstyles are lush, lurv lurv..

  4. Hey Viola!
    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check it out here:

  5. Beautiful hairstyles! Love the braids.



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