Freitag, 24. Mai 2013

Trendfrisuren 2013 Top 10

Hallo, Liebchen. Heute will ich Trendfrisuren 2013 Top 10, ach so zehn Frisuren Bilder vorstellen. 
Die 2013 Trendfrisuren werden hier immer wieder frisch aufgelegt. Und mit diesen angesagten Haarschnitten und Stylingideen kommen raffinierte und feminine Kurzhaarschnitte mit besonderen Haarfarben, viel Volumen für lange Haare, tolle Blondtöne, die Bobfrisur als vielseitiger Klassiker und einige nette Trendfrisuren mit Pony. Hier immer frisch: die Trendfrisuren 2013!
Bob Frisur, Lange Blonde Haare, habllange Frisur, Kurz Frisuren auch schwarze lange Haare mit Stufe werden für dir gezeigt.

 Halblange Haare, wie ein Mädchen.
 Das ist auch ein ombre haar.
 Diese blonde lange Haare ist ombre haar. So hübsch.
 Stufe Haare.

Pony frisuren sind bei den Trendfrisuren 2013 einige am Start - und dieser Haarschnitt hier eignet sich auch für Frauen mit dicken Haaren, ohne dass die Frisur "helmartig" wirkt. Der Pony wird sehr lang und gerade geschnitten, klare Linien machen diese Trendfrisur modern. Ich mag auch die leicht in Karamelltönen schimmernde Haarfarbe sehr gerne.

Freitag, 17. Mai 2013

Wedding Hairstyles 2013 / Brautfrisuren 2013

Hello, guys. Last Friday I've attended my friend Anna's Wedding Ceremony. She really has a great and dream weeding.
From childhood Anna has dreamed that one day she could wear awesome wedding dress, and hold her wedding ceremony in a wonderland. And all of this has came true in this lovely May. LOL
I love her wedding hairstyles very much, bridal hairstyles and bridesmaid hairstyles are also excellent.

Hallo, liebechen.
Letzte Wochenende habe ich an Annna's Hochzeit teilgenohmen. Sie ist wirklich die schönste Braut in der Welt. Anna hat von ihrer Kindheit eine wunderschöne Hochzeit getraumt. Sie möchte ein supper Brautkleid tragen, und wunderbare Brautfrisuren haben. Jetzt hat ihrer Traume realisiert. Ihre Brautfrisuren sind die schönste in der Welt.

After I attended Anna's Wedding, I am now so so so crazy about wedding hairstyles and bridal hairstyles. I think it's the most beautiful hairstyles in the world and is the most important hairstyles in a woman's lifetime. Show you some pictures about wedding hairstyles 2013.
Nach Anna's Hochzeit passioniert ich ganz Brautfrisuren und Hochzeitsfrisuren. Ich meine, diese Frisuren sind die schönste in der Welt und im Leben einer Frau.
Einige Bilder über Hochzeitsfrisuren 2013 und Brautfrisuren für Dich. LOL

These two are updo hairstyles and braided hairstyles. That makes a bride more gentle and elegant. Long hairstyles are more pretty than short hairstyles in my opinion.
Diese zwei Bilder zeigen us Hochsteckfrisuren. Sehr schön. Nach meine Meinung sind Langhaarfrisuren eleganter als Kurzhaarfrisuren und Frisuren mittellang.

Braided hairstyles and dutt Frisuren.

Wedding hairstyles with flowers.
Brautfrisuren mit Blumen.

Freitag, 10. Mai 2013

My Early Summer Hairstyles + Early Summer Coupons - RPGSHOW

Hello, guys. This week I am busy completing my paper of this semester. In German is "Semesterarbeit". Really have no time post new things. But last Sunday I've taken photos for summer. Hope you like my summer style. LOL

And also there is good news I want to tell you. It's from RPGSHOW.They provides coupons to customers.
Three kinds of coupons in this activity:
1. VIP Coupon, Code: MOM0506, $30 OFF
2. Gold VIP Coupon, Code: 506LOVE, $50 OFF
3. Diamond VIP Coupon, Code: MOTHERDAY56, 20% OFF

4.Mother's Day Coupon, for All Customers, $40 OFF(To 5.13.2013)

Freitag, 3. Mai 2013

Good News: Offers VIP Coupon to Customers

Hi,guys. Do you know rpgshow?

To express its appreciation, RPGSHOW.COM, the leading full lace wigs online retailer, decides to send coupons to its customers from 04/29/2013 to 05/08/2013. During these days customers can purchase lace wigs with excellent quality and reasonable price.
There are three kinds of coupons in this activity.
1. Coupon for VIP Customers, $30 off, Code: vip0429
2. Coupon for Gold VIP Customers, $50 off, Code: gold429
3. Coupon for Diamond VIP Customers, 20% off, Code: dv429

This is really a great present for rpgshow’s VIP members. If you are not a VIP member, there is another way that you can also get coupon. The rpgshow group publishes coupons on at regular time. New customers can find usable coupons from this site. Erena Marinac, sales manager of RPGSHOW, has said that the coupons on are long standing and usable.
Nowadays more and more customers choose rpgshow; many of them have put their review videos on YouTube. For example, LakiaStar bought her wig with a coupon, and she got $35 off. This was her first glueless full lace wig from rpgshow, and she was very satisfied. After she wore this glueless straight lace wig, she has already been a black girl with long hair.
Rpgshow has also consummate repairing service for customers. New customers enjoy one time of repairing services for free within after-sale three months, which worth $40-$80. VIP customers have unlimited wig repairing service within after-sale three months, which worth $100.

RPGSHOW.COM was founded since 2006, now it has been one of the biggest lace wigs online retailers. Its products are made with 100% best Remy virgin hair. Remy hair remains silky, soft, and completely tangle-free throughout its lifetime. And can also keep for a long time. More importantly, rpgshow hold a professional hair stylists team, to keep trace with fashion trend and style different kinds of popular hairstyles.

I found this news from:

Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013

kissable Accessories From Erena

Kissable Accessories From Erena, I want to introduce to you guys. Hope you like.
From: Ask Erena

Hello beauties!
After a little break, I am back with a new outfit, new shoes and kissable accessories.
I am wearing:
Kissable bracelet and ring from Kirna Zabete
Kissable purse from here
Style & Co blouse and
Jessica Simpson shoes

 I hope you will appreciate how I tied up red and blue together by using red and blue nail polish.

Her little guys didn't want to be in front of the camera:-)

Waiting for your comments and feedback.

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